The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3642499
Posted By: Teribus
16-Jul-14 - 01:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
Actual recorded fact in the matter of solutions proposed to establish the "Two-State" that Abbas says he is striving for comes down on the side of Bobad in this discussion.

Originally offered by the UN in 1947 the Jews of Palestine agreed to it and the Arabs of Palestine rejected it and encouraged by their Arab neighbours they elected to go to war with the express intention of "driving the Jews of Palestine off their land and into the sea". The importance of this is that as one side rejected the proposals there are no fixed boundaries, there are no "official borders" that any party in this conflict agree to - until there are then no meaningful negotiations can take place. Another important facet of this from the perspective of the Arabs of Palestine centres around divisions in their own ranks. Back in 1947 half of the Arabs of Palestine split along tribal lines followed the self-styled Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in wanting a separate Arab Palestine, while the other half wanted the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to annex Palestine (The latter actually gained something out of the war of 1948 in that the Jordanians invaded and occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank areas of Palestine - in 1967 the Israelis liberated those areas and drove the Jordanian occupiers out restoring the land to Palestine).

Those who have agreed peace deals with Israel since 1949 and who have honoured those agreements have never subsequently been attacked by Israel. Those who have not and who harbour terrorists who continue to attack Israel and her people are, quite rightly attacked.

The latest "ceasefire" was agreed to by Israel and renounced by Hamas - TRUE?

Let them get on with it, they have had 67 years to sort it out and failed each and every time, fight on and be done with it.