The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3642534
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Jul-14 - 05:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
"'course you're not"
You've just described them all as "Islamofascists"- who the **** are you suggesting should "fight on and be done with it" - the Palestinians whose homes are presently under attack from Israeli bombardment and inevitable annihilation - if not, who? (it's just been announced that it's re-started)
There's an insightful cartoon in this morning's paper showing a heavily armed and armoured Israeli soldier with a shield bearing the word "warmonger" about to kill a fish in a barrel - the fish is spitting back - sums it up really.
There is no doubt that, should it come to it, the Palestinian people are in no position to offer any resistance and will either be slaughtered or driven to join the five million or so refugees scattered all over the world
This has never been about 'defence, as far as Israel is concerned - go and look at the casualty figures down the years and see how they balance out - and see how many of them are non-combatants - particularly children.
For all the bluster about defence, so far, the casualties of these rocket attacks has been precisely none - that's what this overkill is defending the people of Israel from.
It's the serial school bully complaining that one of his victims "kicked me sir".
When it comes down to it, it's about two groups of people, each with equal rights to a territory, being led by messianic zealots.
Richard is right - when it comes to worms-eye level, people are people and are happy and willing to get along with each other, whatever their differences in culture and religion.
Encouraging them to slug it out would suit the Israeli regime down to the ground - survival of the richest, strongest and most aggressive.
All the bullshitting bar-room-bluster from a wannabe warrior doesn't alter that one iota.
Jim Carroll