The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29009   Message #364362
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
27-Dec-00 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: PortlandME ChanteyJam;AfterActionRept
Subject: PortlandME ChanteyJam;AfterActionRept
Just got in from one of the most therapeautic dosages of fun therapy administered in a long time - the informal Chantey-Jam at the China Seas Chandelry and Nautical Antiques Shop in Portland, ME. This event, as noted in a previous thread, was co-hosted by Capt. Steve Bunker and Sharon Bondhoff, with a musical nucleus provided by Charlie Ipcar and the Roll-and-Go Crew, including our very own "Naemanson". The distinct pleasure of meeting several fellow Mudcatters was celebrated, and considerable talent and virtuosity was evident in abundance. Among celebreties present was the ever-popular and frequently hilarious Kendall, who shared many a fine tune, including the legendary "I don't look good Naked Anymore" which about had all hands rolling on the deck!

I now feel like an offically initiated Mudcatter, having partaken of some of Sinsulls' proverbial bourbon-balls... sort of like a folkie's Communion, it seems. Aahh; Ambrosia! They go quite well with Guinness, by the way!

Naemanson saw to it that a Mudcatter's group photo-op was taken before we parted company - although I think we missed a few earlier deserters. It should be up on the gallery before long.

All hope to do this again, perhaps a couple of more times over the Winter. Naem speculates that a potential site might be up his way in Bath, and we could probably host a fair-sized group at the Clarke Quarters here in Yarmouth if we moved some furniture in the parlor around a bit.

Good time had by all, Mates! I hope all "Catters have a chance to get together like this regionally all over the civilized World. As nifty as this cyber-space Community is, it's only a marginal substitute for real-time real-world personal interaction, eh?

Ya gotta love it!