The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155041   Message #3644045
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Jul-14 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pathetic goading
Subject: RE: BS: Pathetic goading
Gosh..I'm not alone!

OK..'we' got the ACA, Asinine Crony Act. This wasn't a move to bring 'affordable healthcare' to was brought about, to funnel co-coerced profits to the insurance company cronies, through legislation, and to force everyone to pay increased premiums, plus WAY higher stuff and line the pockets of those cronies, and it was 'presented and packaged' rhetorically, to appeal to the 'so-called liberals'....and as far as passed through Democratic process??...yeah, and it took bribes, waivers, ( its so great that if you vote for it, we'll exempt your state..or favorite 'special interests), political favors just to one party....and all of it ain't over through the Supreme Court, either!
....and all you blind ideologues, this bullshit con job is going to put Republicans in the majority of both houses, and the White House as a 'way' to 'remedy' it....and that will be another disaster!
The Asinine Crony Act, will in effect set 'liberalism' back another 20-30 years!....along with the rest of the crap this guy has promoted!
Are you in favor of NDAA?? the crap at the IRS??...wait till both houses and the next White House gets control over it! Like the Benghazi lying fest?? Fast and Furious..selling guns to the cartels, and now letting them thrive in human trafficking?? Shovel ready jobs?? Alternative energy crony payouts? Contempt of Congress filed on the AG? Drawing imaginary red lines?? Sending money to Hamas? Soft on Iran, so they have a green light to build nukes??...and then when Israel bombs the shit out of them, you'll criticize Israel over that, too! On the Syria crisis, at the early stages, I posted that they should blockade and set up troops on the borders, to stop any military arms and personnel from getting in or out....HELLO ISIS!..and I could go on and on.I remember during the first primaries I called him 'O-Blabbo', because I thought this guy was an OBVIOUS bullshitter....guess what?....Oh, and you can keep your healthcare and doctor, too!....but your doctor won't be in...he's too busy watching that YouTube video that 'sparked Benghazi'!
Nope, you guys are all subscribers to the liars in DC, that you've become part of their lying apparatus!
So don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about!..You can't even cop to the truth, in any way, shape or form!
take you and your lying bullshit,and go down in history, in flames!

Oh, and BTW, I am not affiliated with any party, right or left..but objectively speaking, the TEA Party, in contrast to what the Democrat Party has become, look like a bunch of geniuses!....and a lot of you helped your own party's demise, by NOT holding up their feet to the fire of accountability!!..You just made more Dumb Fuck excuses for it all!