The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150703   Message #3644503
Posted By: Musket
23-Jul-14 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
If you don't read what I put Michael, stop reading it then. It isn't aimed at you anyway. it is about getting people to see reason and to be honest, you have your own little la la land to begin with, and secondly, it isn't worth it as you can be rather nasty at times.

What the fuck my service to the community has to do with anything in this thread is beyond me, unless you are doing a character assassination. I haven't "worked" for over 11 years now, and when I did, visits to Israel and Palestine were frequent diary dates, hence my interest in this awful dog fight between two sets of terrorists.

Keith has shown his true colours on this thread too, and it ain't nice. It appears I have met him. Can't remember but I am sure he didn't come over as odious as he does on these threads. I remember those I wish to avoid in the future. You can't come out with what he does and not expect people to question the person behind such awful things. It's a bit like that other bigot Akenaton earlier today talking about brotherhood and inclusiveness, but not for gay men as they spread disease.

Mudcat certainly seems to be bait for internet weirdos....