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Thread #150703   Message #3646192
Posted By: Teribus
29-Jul-14 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
"I have not been informed of anything by you or any of your fellow apologists for terrorists. I have however listened to the words of our Prime Minister, The US President, The UN general secretary and myriad reporters on the scene, especially the unbiased BBC." - Musket

"BBC News at 10 tonight.
No credence was given to the playground bomb being a Hamas rocket.
Israel was blatantly accused.
Unequivocal bias." – Keith A of Hertford

1: Ever heard of a little thing called the "Balen Report" Musket? It was a report of the findings of an independent internal investigation carried out at the behest of the BBC related to anti-Israeli reporting by the BBC. This investigation was paid for by the British public who pay the BBC Licence Fee. The findings of the report were kept secret by the BBC and protected from threat of disclosure under any challenge via the "Freedom of Information Act". Those two points reading between the lines strongly indicate that the "Balen Report" is damning in the extreme – Don't know about you Musket, but I, having contributed towards the cost of that investigation, would like to know what it says and also what remedial actions the BBC have taken to eliminate any bias from their reporting of any news item.

2: On the incident yesterday where the 10 children were killed in that playground, did anybody commenting on this thread see the coverage broadcast by the BBC? It was filmed in a hospital showed scenes that we have seen before (Library footage most likely) but it contained two sections in which injured children were "interviewed" (I say "interviewed" because no questions were asked the child "victims" merely made statements). The one I found interesting was the one by the eight year-old boy who had been "wounded" in the back by shrapnel in that incident.

Hey Musket when you have been wandering around all those hospitals that you have rescued have you ever encountered any patients who have received any invasive injury to their backs? How mobile are they during the first 24 hours? Yet here is this eight year old, bright eyed and showing absolutely no sign or shock, pain, bruising or blood (They were at great pains to show the dressing {singular}) trotting out the lines that Hamas wanted the world to hear. At the end of the "interview" the camera panned away to show another of the supposed victims heavily bandaged on the left arm and right leg walking with an adult being led by his bandaged arm and walking normally keeping pace with the adult – possibly being led to another "western journalist" to trot out "his story". I have no doubt at all that children were killed and injured in that incident, but neither child shown could have been anywhere near it. Another little nuanced clue from the reporting of the incident, the BBC reporter referred to the "rocket" that hit the playground. Normally when reporting on strikes by the IDF they mention "missiles", "bombs", "artillery shells", "mortars" - NOT "rockets".