The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155142   Message #3647921
Posted By: Richard Bridge
03-Aug-14 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Abuse
Subject: RE: BS: Abuse
I do not see every alternative (you mean "other", the maximum number of alternatives one may have is two, for if there are more than two choices no one is alternate to any other) as vile or deserving of abuse. Conservatism and other further right points of view deserve such abuse. So does your homophobia and other bigotry. So does KtheA's endless obsession with evils that he can associate with Islam - and indeed Terribilis's xenophobia.

I close with a lovely quote I found here - The woman obviously deserves to lead the Labour Party if it is to regain worthiness of its name, and it is appalling that she was forced to apologise for telling the truth.

But her tweet to a person abusing her is a classic.

"I'd call you a cunt but you have neither the depth nor the warmth"