The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28551   Message #364926
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
28-Dec-00 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: Shanty Party in Portland, Maine
Subject: RE: Shanty Party in Portland, Maine
Catsp.49: A "Smith" Mark Twenty-Niner (Cal. .44 Magnum, for those of a more pacific disposition who may not be familiar - made somewhat infamous by "Dirty Harry"'s expert use of one in the movie by that name) is a fine, albiet rather massive piece. Alas, I do not own one - it would be a challange to discretely conceal one of those whopping irons even on my portly frame! Not to mention the fact that Smith & Wesson has fallen into disrepute with us Pro-2nd-Ammendment types due to their capitulation to the Clinton Victim-disarmament crowd's litigation blackmail scheme. Our responsive boycott seems to be having a profound effect on their British-owned bottom-line, by the way. Take that, King George!

Such .44 Mag as I am close to is an old Ruger 7 1/2" barreled single-action ("Cowboy" style) Super Blackhawk, purchaced in days of virile youth, alas long gone by. I used to hunt with it, when I hunted; have not done so for about a decade. Since I make my living with my hands as a Lanternsmith, I am reluctant to abuse them with the decidedly violent recoil which the big .44 is notorious for, and have not fired it in years.

Don't underestimate the emotional catharsis of blowing a half-gallon can of water into an explosive fountain downrange 'till you've tried it. Just remember the ear and eye protection; my occasional neglect of earmuffs or plugs in the past has no doubt contributed to my current significant hearing loss in the upper frequency ranges, which does not help any in tuning an instrument.

I started the "After Action Report" secondary thread, since I notice that after about 75 messages, our marginal PC takes a long time to download it all so I can check the last message or two. I'm hoping that those of us who've been on this a while might "jump over" and expidite things a bit.