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Thread #154894   Message #3649273
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Aug-14 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
"It is not opinion it is an explanation of international law."
Do you not find that more than a little arrogant that you should take it upon yourself to explain anything to anybody - you are spectacularly ignorant of virtually everything you discuss - what makes you think you you are any more knowledgeable than anybody else here (we realise that we can't claim "infallibility", as you have on several occasions but we are capable of looking things up for ourselves")?
Your arrogance, combined with your ignorance makes you a very sad individual.
You have set out deliberately to offset, downgrade and deny the use of flechette weapons since it was first announced that they had been used.
You have been joined in that by your wannabe military moron friend.
It is no coincidence that you both did exactly the same when white phosphorus was used over Gaza - when you were show photographs of children with their faces burned to the bone by that shit, you passed it off as "harmless illuminations" - refusing to comment on the burned and permanently disfigured children.
Israel has now accepted that its use is illegal and declared that they would cease to do so, yet there are reports of it having been used again in the recent slaughter.
Your military nutcase, in his usual arrogantly sneery way, did the same thing with napalm and carcinogenic Agent Orange, both standbys of the United States in Vietnam and both used by Israel at one time or another against the Gazans and the Bedouins.
Terrytoon the Twat described 'Orange' as a harmless chemical spray, and in his inimitable way, refused to comment on the fact that U.S. pilots returned from Vietnam to find that they were displaying symptoms of cancer from coming into contact with this obscene weapon - we have graphic images of what it did to the Vietnamese people.
Harmless - legal - what kind of animals would even venture such arguments when this shit is used on human beings, particularly on non combatant men women and children,irrespective of their age, state of health or general situation?
You and he have made a point of displaying yourselves as exactly that sort of animal (the wrong word - animals don't behave in that despicable fashion).
As far as flechettes are concerned, don't you consider it a teensy-weensy bit grotesque that, given the fact that they have been a standard part of the Israeli arsenal for at least four years, that they are known to have been used by them in the past (according to the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem), and particularly that the Israeli's have never at any time denied their use - don't you find it disturbing that you should even bother to defend its use, downgrade it to "shrapnel", declare it "legal" or even question that it should have been used here by a regime that has seen fit to use tanks, bombs, heavy mortar-fire and all the means at their disposal to kill nearly two thousand human beings and reduce their homes, along with hospitals, schools and vital public facilities to rubble?
To a degree I understand Terrytoon - a frustrated wannabe warrior reduced to becoming a gun-nut happy to show us his penis-substitute 'weapon' on this forum and, no doubt, strutting his stuff with his mates nightly down the pub.
You claim to have been a teacher - is this what you taught your kids was right and wrong?
You say you are a "Christian" and proudly declare the you pray for us - is this your idea of Christianity?
Thank God I'm an atheist.
Jim Carroll