The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153638   Message #3649979
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
10-Aug-14 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Subject: RE: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
"I don't have "antipathy" towards AIPAC." Steve Shaw

Hows this for non-antipathy? "...AIPAC, just about the most undemocratic setup it's possible to conceive of?" Or this, "AIPAC has Congress by the short and curlies. If a member of Congress briefs against Israel, AIPAC diverts lots of funding to their political enemies (and, if the miscreant was getting funding themselves, it's bye-bye to all that)." Or this, "...AIPAC will turn him [Pres. Obama] into toast." I would hate to read anything you wrote about AIPAC if you REALLY disliked it based on the slew of pejorative's you've used to describe that lobby. How self-delusional can you be?

I repeat, AIPAC does nothing different from any other lobbying group. Teachers unions actively work against candidates they deem anti-teacher, funding and working for their opponents; NOW advocates for a whole host of women's issues and funds those candidates who agree with them to the detriment of those who seem not to; and on and on to every group one can think of, no matter what their particular agenda. I repeat, your antipathy (hatred, repugnance, loathing, or you choose an apt descriptor) is because you, Steve Shaw, don't like what AIPAC stands for.

You may think you're so 'ice cool' for not using the "J" word,but you're really being dishonest by not. AIPAC supports Israel as a Jewish state; even the non-Jewish members of the group do. You are really weaseling a distinction without a difference. What I had meant to write yesterday in response your supposed non-use of 'Jewish Lobby' was to this effect: You would never write, "(I did not say National Organization for Women because men belong to that group.)" That would be an absurd aside. What you did write is equally so.

To summarize. AIPAC is a lobbying group to elicit support for the Jewish State of Israel, and vice versa. They give lots of money to those who agree with them, and withhold contributions from those who don't. No one has ever denied that. This is not news. This IS what lobbyists and PACs do—both sides. Get over it.