The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154848   Message #3650149
Posted By: Jack Campin
11-Aug-14 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: whitby FF 2014
Subject: RE: whitby FF 2014
Passing this on, about the Eurosessions:

The sessions will be held every afternoon starting on Saturday from 3pm until 5pm at Whitby Yacht Club, Pier Road - on the corner opposite the bandstand for anyone who hasn't been before. Dancing is encouraged at all these sessions.

You may also be interested in 2 other fringe workshops with de Mowbray's Musicke which the Yacht Club is hosting immediately before the Eurosession. The first of these is on Tuesday, 19 August from 2pm - 3pm - Mediaeval Dances as danced by the common people; and the second is on Wednesday 20 August from 2pm - 3pm - Tudor Dances of court and country.

I'll be there.