The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155221   Message #3651122
Posted By: MGM·Lion
15-Aug-14 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Last of the Yazidis
Subject: RE: BS: Last of the Yazidis
If I were Michael, I'd hide under the bed in case a Muslim is nearby.
I'd advise a Bacofoil helmet as well. You can't be too sure.


Yes yes yes. Mock away. Have a ☯ taking the piss.

Then reflect that every great change that has happened over the last couple of centuries -- universal manhood suffrage; votes for women; abolition of cap-pun -- has come about quite suddenly after public agitation by a smallish pressure group [Chartists, Suffragettes], or even an individual [Sydney Silverman MP; Violet Van Der Elst, the American woman living in London who would make an impassioned speech outside every prison where a hanging was taking place], who have invariably been mocked & scorned as loonies & eccentrics: till all of a sudden - BOOM! - it has happened after all.

And now the same sort of contemptuous ooh-hahaha laughter for those of us who admit to being scared at what ISIS might just achieve here. ISIS are the ones with that sort of impetus now; and they are, true to form, getting exactly that sort of mockery from fools and ostriches like the poster of above paste & his mates. Who may yet, I say again, live to see their granddaughters publicly caned on their bare bottoms in Trafalgar Square for showing too much ankle [which is happening in Saudi & Yemen & N Nigeria right now, as even a fule kno]. Then they may laugh on the other side of their priggish self-satisfied faces -- as long as their heretical heads remain on their stupid shoulders.

So go on then: giggle away while the going's good. You'll learn...
