The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154848 Message #3651180
Posted By: Jack Campin
15-Aug-14 - 06:57 AM
Thread Name: whitby FF 2014
Subject: RE: whitby FF 2014
Really Jack you must stop being a professional Scot and buy a programme in advance - the postage is only a wee bawbee after all. Posting as a mod, but I don't want to leave this in someone else's post. Someone else's anonymity is no excuse for abuse. Feel free to argue with someone's opinion, but please forgo the verbal beating. I deleted an abusive post and replies. Please understand that abuse is going to hit anyone who reads it, not just your intended target.
Read back in the thread and you will see that the poster is an anonymous bully who has some kind of grudge about me (and posts in response to just about anything I say about Whitby). There is NO excuse for letting a thug like that indulge in that kind of harassment and it's put itself far beyond the point where it merits politeness in response. Get the cunt off Mudcat NOW.