The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153638   Message #3652449
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Aug-14 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Subject: RE: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
"I have just produced a string of quotes where I clearly say I "deplore" it."
You have also made a string of quotes designed to present the apalling stuff as harmless by which you have well and truly your deploring the bullshit it is - pretty well on par with drowning us all in your crocodile tears for the Homs victims while at the same time sondoning the sale of arms to the killer and proposing that Britain provides the wherewithal to bang up the surviving protesters in his torture chambers.
Are you really unaware of how stupid you look making such contradictory claims?
Braindead Brucie
Both sides have committed war crimes - the relative seriousness of these are there for all top see.
One side has put its hands up to committing war crimes - the other has yet to and is unlikely to.
Amerca and Israel are now in cahoots to make sure that an enquiry into Israel's latest behaviour doesn't take place.
Israel's response to the information that I.D.F. death squads have been targeting the survivors of their ethnic cleansing campaign has been to arrest the Israeli soldier who confirmed that it was taking place.
You are now employing diversionary tactics to avoid acknowledging this fact and to avoid even commenting on the figures Ivor has just put up.
Personally I have no time for Hamas and have never put up a single word in its favour.
You, on the other hand, have openly supported the Israeli atrocities that have taken place, recently, and in the past.
You have consistently attempted to offset criticism of an extremely right-wing regime by blaming the Jews and claiming all criticism of those atrocities and being "Antisemitic".
You had the temerity to ask if my family would be proud of my ideas - I trust you haven't got round to asking yourself if those of your people who perished in the Nazi ovens would be proud of your blaming them for what these bastards have turned Israel into in their name         
Now respond t facts or piss off - you have even less to say than Acheson the Arsehole (if that were humanly possible)
Jim Carroll