The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153638   Message #3652718
Posted By: GUEST,ivor
21-Aug-14 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Subject: RE: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
The National Union of Students in the UK has voted recenmtly to back the academic boycott of Israel.
It has been a long haul to win this vote but the British students are sickened at seeing their Palestinian contemporaries shot down by snipers and by IDF soldiers armed with everything from rubber bullets on the West bank to tank rounds and artillery in and around Gaza.
Not only have school students been shot down or blown up but their schools and colleges have been attacked on the West Bank and in Gaza.
Moreover their teachers and lecturers have been shot or arrested and thrown into cells often without even a trial.

And the Palestinian children are stranded in Gaza with little food , no shelter and facing a bleak winter and all kinds of illnesses and deadly diseases in the months ahead.

It is clear that across the world there is a grassroots movement gaining momentum to label Israel for what it apartheid regime that not only oppresses the Palestinian people but is sanguine about the mass murder of its children and young people.

There is nothing anti semitic about this.

Indeed there are many Israeli citizens , both Jewish and non Jewish, who see the injustices done to the Palestinians on a daily basis [ the bulldozing of homes, theft of land, the roadblocks and 'security controls' , the casual shootings of Palestinians on the West Bank and the armed Zionist mobs terrorising villagers ] etc and they support the boycott.

In addition, across the world Jewish people are marching with their non Jewish friends and work mates to oppose the bombing of Gaza and the lifting of its blockade.