The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153638   Message #3652769
Posted By: GUEST
21-Aug-14 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Subject: RE: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Zionism has turned Israel into one of the most violent countries on earth.
It is a country where the 20% minority non Jewish population is harassed and discriminated against as a matter of routine and even its elected members of the Knesset are threatened and intimidated.

But it is aso a country where, on a weekly basis, the non Israeli population of the illegally occupied territories are shot, arrested or beaten up.

These people see on a regular basis homes demolished , houses ransacked, the elderly humiliated and orchards and trees destroyed.

They see land stolen by Israeli paramilitary settlers armed with guns who drive shepherds from their grazing land and farmers from their olive groves.

Water is stolen and in the Negev Desert in the south of the country Bedouin arabs are routinely attacked and their villages destroyed. All this on a routine basis.

Palestinian schools are denied funds and Palestinian universities closed or attacked. Palestinian students are disciplined for speaking and threatened by organised gangs of Zionists.

But it is not only Palestinians who are suffering in this violent and racist state. African migrant workers and refugees are routinely harassed and threatened.

Eithipian Jewish women have been sterilised against their will such is the racism of the zionists.

Other 'guest ' workers, from Thailand for example, have been shabbily treated while even the original minority Jewish population of Israel has been treated badly for having a Jewish-Arabic culture

I am amazed at the arrogance of the new Israelis often from the USA or Russia who end up totin' uzis on the West Bank and terrorizing the Palestinian population. These are characters who have probably never met a Palestinian unless he is pointing a gun at one!

We should not be surprised at this sick culture of violence and intolerance. Netanyahu is a child killer but the gangs of zionist youth shouting ' Death to the arabs! and Death to the leftists! show exactly where this racist and violent society is heading.