The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153638   Message #3653103
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Aug-14 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Subject: RE: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
What the fuck is your point Keith?
The first thing any community does when under attack is to move all women and children out of range of fire - "women and children first"
Men will always be the highest on the casualty list, women and children much lower.
Had it been the other way around you would have been pointed at the cowardly male bastards hiding while the women died.
Had irt been , as you scum are suggesting, that Hamas been using civilians as human shields then women, elderly and children would have made up the greatest numbers.
The fact that so many non combatants have died is due entirely to the indiscriminate nature of the attacks - either that or the Israelis are deliberately targeting them.
To make sure, they have had death squads wiping out survivors
"They no longer need to buy arms. They capture more than they are ever likely to need."
You have been given the facts of the supplying of arms to Isis by the states mentioned (plus Kuwait) -
Throughout this period sales of arms by Britain and America continued and still happen in the case of Kuwait, Qatar and Turkey - so even if those sales stopped tomorrow, the arms Isis have used to get where they have almost certainly came from those States and originally from Britain and America.
As I poited out on the other thread - you are back to defending Britain selling arms to terrorists, just as you did on the Homs thread about selling arms to Assad.
I,m afraid you seem to have another conflict of interest - how do I condemn Isis while at the same time acting as proxy armes supplier to her forces.
Jim Carroll