The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154848 Message #3653818
Posted By: Steve Gardham
25-Aug-14 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: whitby FF 2014
Subject: RE: whitby FF 2014
The Hull Folk Archive Exhibition will be upstairs in Thieving Harry's on the corner of Humber Dock Street and Humber Street.
The Historic Boats (Keels/Sloops etc.) will be on display in the Marina on Humber Dock St side. Unfortunately no public allowed on board as we couldn't afford the insurance and all the street furniture safety stuff the Council insist on. Maybe next year. No stages on board either for same reason.
Free Maritime Concert 2-4 Sunday 14th in Maritime Museum main gallery. Beggar's Bridge, Hissyfit, Spare Hands etc.