The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943 Message #3654240
Posted By: Rog Peek
26-Aug-14 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: JOHN BUTLER TRAIN (Beresford/Delaney)
I tried to flee the country, Flee the sun, flee my head But it seems that someone's chasing me And that someone wants me dead I don't know who he is… He speaks with familiarity I woke up this morning and realised…. He's the darker part of me.
Later on they called it an 'artistic tragedy' The flame that burns too brightly Burns out fast, if you see… But I know I was taken by Someone who hated me The police will never catch the villain now He hides inside of me
Chorus And it's no use running From the John Butler Train Your feet can count the miles But no distance can be gained Bearing down on me Is the John Butler Train Before I can get up He's knocked me hard down again John Butler Train
Years ago my mother called me by another name I'm not sure I would know it now If she hollered me again These days I prefer to go by John Butler Train I wish someone could reach me in my pain Or take away my ticket for this train
Chorus The legacy that I leave you Will be washed away by rain Only a few melodies remain Carved upon my gravestone You can just make out a name Underneath graffiti left behind By John Butler Train.
Notes: The song was written by Kate Beresford and Jon Delaney, members of the "Funky Folk" quartet Kismet Hardy based in Northants England. The song was written in 2011 and can be heard on UTube being performed in September 2012.