The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155363   Message #3654300
Posted By: GUEST,Raggytash
26-Aug-14 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Folk in Whitby
Subject: RE: Folk in Whitby
Hi Mo,

No it's where old folkies come to die!

I'm sure the existence of the festival has something to do with a number of folkies moving here over the years but it is a good place to live away, for the most part, from the troubles of the inner cities. Yes we do have our own "issues" to deal with like folkies who take over the town during folk week but by and large they're not insurmountable!!

All in all it's a good place to live. The north sea on one side and the moors on the other make a very convivial location as I'm sure you and many other people realise.

The Tuesday sessions in the Elsinore are great and the Wednesday sessions in the Fleece will surely catch up given a few weeks.