The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109339   Message #3655273
Posted By: MGM·Lion
30-Aug-14 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Dick Darby the Cobbler
Subject: RE: Origin: Dick Darby the Cobbler
But has he not been in some sort of trouble for political activities -- "an ould agitator" — which he has now given up - "resolved to repent"?

There is the sort of partial account of background, lacunae in the info, that one gets in this sort of song; but such phraseology seems suggestive to me of a deviant background that Mr Darby feels himself now to have outgrown. I wouldn't want to overstress this aspect, as it's not that sort of song. But it does seem to me to make sense of my impression of the nature of "Ould Camp" where he has "served his time".
