thanks Annraoi. I'm feeling stupid because I know the grammar. I simply copied MacSeáin and then put in "saol" instead of "tír". But MacSeáin and the publisher, Irish studies dept at Queen's U Belfast should know their stuff, so I think MacSeáin did take down what he heard. Wouldn't it be like saying in English, "the world is in their beds" instead of "the world is in its bed"? typo in second line of first verse: 's 'á ódh go géar should read 's 'á fadódh go géar first line, third verse Deir lucht an éinn should read Deir lucht an léinn
Bhí ar intinn agam fhreastal ar Scoil Gheimhridh Frankie Kennedy an tseachtain seo, ach níl na busanna ag dul go Gaoth Dobhair mar gheall ar an aimsir.