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Thread #155316   Message #3656375
Posted By: Teribus
03-Sep-14 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: March on Washington, 1814
Subject: RE: BS: March on Washington, 1814
"Fact #1... nobody in 1776 had any expectation of buying the French Territory that was part of the Louisiana Purchase... not to mention the inclusion of Florida."

Never said anything at all about what was known as the Louisiana Purchase in relation to 1776.

"Fact #2... the Founding Fathers were based in the established colonies and had nothing to gain by "trying to grab land" and everything to lose - their lives- if that was their real intent. At least one signer of the Declaration of Independence was most likely a smuggler and they all felt unfairly treated by the King and Parliment."

Total bullshit the colonies founded during the early to mid 1600s one hundred years later were burgeoning and felt limited and constrained - they had a great deal to gain in 1776 - If losing their lives was a consideration then they would not have rebelled - they did solely because they thought the game was worth the candle - the prize was not "freedom" or "liberty" {They already had that by the yard - just look at the premises upon which these colonies were originally founded}, the prize was the land that would be available to them for westward expansion as viewed in 1776. The following map shows this and the land acquired under the Louisiana Purchase of 1803:

Wabash & Ohio Basin and The Louisiana Purchase

"Fact #3... the additional western land that became part of the original USA was negoiated during the treaty of Paris by some canny Americans who saw an opportunity & took it."

Again utter bullshit the Americans merely took what parts of the Treaty of Paris (1783) they wanted and just ignored the ones that didn't suit them. There were basically Ten Articles, the ones ignored by the Americans were as follows:

Article 4: Recognizing the lawful contracted debts to be paid to creditors on either side;

Article 5: The Congress of the Confederation will "earnestly recommend" to state legislatures to recognize the rightful owners of all confiscated lands and "provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects" (Loyalists);

Article 6: United States will prevent future confiscations of the property of Loyalists;

Article 7: Prisoners of war on both sides are to be released; all property of the British army (including slaves) now in the United States is to remain and be forfeited;

Article 9: Territories captured by Americans subsequent to the treaty will be returned without compensation;

"Fact #4... everything that Teribus is bashing us about can be said about England earlier... they were the late comers who displaced the Dutch and tried to do the same with the French. and that was just in the north... what about the Carribean? Or the Indies?"

Again mostly desperate bullshit designed to deflect - the Spanish were "Conquistadores" - the English and latterly the British Empire was acquired through trade with the native people and their rulers and through territory and trading rights conceded as a result of Britain being victorious in various European Wars.

As for the War of 1812 {The subject of this thread} that as I stated previously was a desperately "mistimed" opportunistic land grab - "just ask the Ukraine how they feel about Russia... OR indeed just ask Georgia how they feel about Russia..."