The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155483   Message #3657514
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
05-Sep-14 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: acoustic versus electric !!!???
Subject: RE: acoustic versus electric !!!???
In a folk club, absolutely! Something very WEIRD happens to people once they get behind a microphone, and these feckers DARE complain about my electronic shruti box...

I owe my current dependency on electronica to the fact that over the last 14 years we've lived in a series of old terraced houses that weren't built with crwths & fiddles in mind, so most everything I do here is through headphones which opens up all sorts of impossibilities. I used to use computers (I'm a confirmed Ableton freak!) but am now utterly hooked on Revival Analogue Synthesis c/o Korg; the MS-20 Mini redefined my musical thinking when it arrived back in May last year & the Volcas are just too much, though I've just acquired my SECOND Monotribe for stereo sequencing! Having tried and (mostly) failed with an electric violin, back in November I bought a baritone Fender telecaster which I play mostly with an ebow; in terms of Folk Song it sounds like this (which I'd NEVER do in a folk club, with or without a PA:

THE TWA CORBIES (Tidal Leavings) - 12.12.13