The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155483   Message #3657562
Posted By: Don Firth
05-Sep-14 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: acoustic versus electric !!!???
Subject: RE: acoustic versus electric !!!???
I've played a variety of guitars over the years, mostly classics (nylon strings). I have found them perfectly adequate for my wants and needs, i.e., song accompaniment and some solo (classical) guitar.

I played an electric guitar once. I dropped into a tavern in the afternoon to meet a friend and I was early. The place had a band entertaining in the evenings, but the place was practically empty. I knew the bartender, and he asked me if I'd like to try the electric guitar. "The guy who owns it won't mind," he assured me, so I figured, "What the heck?"

I did a couple of songs with the electric, then a classic guitar solo, steel strings and narrow fingerboard notwithstanding. Then a couple of fingerpicking songs like "Freight Train."

I began to feel All Powerful!!! Godlike!!!

Then sanity re-emerged. I checked out all the gear sitting around me and thought dollar signs. Big amp with eleventy-fourteen knobs, and a couple of heavy-duty speakers. And the fact that I could not make full use of this beast unless I was with a cord's length of a couple of wall plugs. Not to mention lugging it around. No wonder the owner of the guitar left his gear here!

I had been doing fine as is with my favorite classic guitar and bare nekkid voice, rarely using a mic unless the place where I was singing supplied it (often an outdoor venue).

Okay, here's the "fang and claw" part:   My ego doesn't need all those watts and amps, thank you.

Besides, one of my nephews has that department covered. He plays in a Canadian rock group that, over the years, has practically cornered the market on Junos. The Tragically Hip. Rob Baker, the tall galoot with the long hair.

Don Firth