The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129573   Message #3658823
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
09-Sep-14 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: Concerning Franklin and His Gallant Crew - 1845
Subject: RE: Concerning Franklin and His Gallant Crew - 1845
The Franklin search: Peter Mansbridge on why we should care

I'm an advisory board member — along with an astronaut, a research scientist, a philanthropist and a number of private businesspeople — for the non-profit Arctic Research Foundation. To be clear, it is a position for which I receive no money.

Some people have argued the whole search for Franklin is some kind of Conservative Party conspiracy — a pet project for Stephen Harper.

There's no doubt‎ the prime minister is into the mystery and would love to see it solved, but he's hardly the first PM to be interested.

In fact, his two predecessors, Paul Martin and Jean Chrétien, also signed off on government-sponsored searches for the long-lost ships of the expedition, although on a much smaller scale.

A snippet from the article.

Also: Interesting information about song versions.