The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155522   Message #3659032
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-Sep-14 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Epic culinary failures
Subject: RE: BS: Epic culinary failures
I dunno if it was epic, but it was hilarious. In my checkered yoot I used to hold regular Lasagna Parties-- people would come, cook, drink, smoke, eat. People would then take home a portion commensurate with as much as they had eaten, to stow in their freezer. It was a rolling, drop-in affair-- I'd be at the stove sometimes for days making the small-batch sauce flavored especially to each arrival's taste.

One year I enjoyed a few of those activities so much that when it was time to dine with one group, THAT was when we all realized NO ONE HAD TURNED ON THE OVEN. And for that meal I'd hauled out some of my OWN frozen batch.

I think the new kitchen in Ohio will suit this kind of party perfectly! ;-)
