The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3659202
Posted By: The Sandman
10-Sep-14 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
Sean is a great performer with a versatile repertoire, Fred jordan was a great performer too but very different from Walter Pardon, Walter was a good enough singer, but he was not an extrovert performer, and outside the cloistered area of folk clubs or folk festivals was not in my opinion able to hold an audience, he tended to mumble,and his poresentation was imo not good
as a traditional style singer or tradtional singer[ or however he should be described] he was not[imo] in the same class as phil tanner. fred jordan clearly loved performing, for walter it appeared to me it was an ordeal, he reminded me of a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car.