The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3659277
Posted By: The Sandman
11-Sep-14 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
"If you come back in a year or so's time to find that he has learned it and is singing it and has passed it on to his mates, who, in their turn have done likewise..... to the extent that your song has been accepted and sung by a significant number of people, and even maybe has been adapted into numerous versions and has reached the situation where you are no longer its owner...... then you might, just might have the makings of a folk song on your hands.
Please report backIf you come back in a year or so's time to find that he has learned it and is singing it and has passed it on to his mates, who, in their turn have done likewise..... to the extent that your song has been accepted and sung by a significant number of people, and even maybe has been adapted into numerous versions and has reached the situation where you are no longer its owner...... then you might, just might have the makings of a folk song on your hands.
Please report back"
pretty much what i said earlier in the discussion,which is particulrly funny , because Jim tried to make out i had nothing of worth to say on the subject
here is the post
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
From: Good Soldier Schweik - PM
Date: 01 Sep 14 - 12:21 PM

sometimes the new song has to take its time, but it gets picked up and sung, examples of this in ireland are.. fiddlers green and song for ireland and caledonia, all songs written by english or scottish people, but songs that mean something to people outside the uk folk revival and are assumed to be tradtional.