The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155441   Message #3659358
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Sep-14 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: Definition of folk song
Subject: RE: Definition of folk song
"You sneer at today's folk "
No - I argue with those who suggest it is folk - no more.
My reference to folk rock refers to the usage of folk song which has been totally stripped of its original function - that of communicating ideas, information and emotions verbally and replacing it with musical accompaniments which are lifted from pop music forms.
I confess freely, I detest the aggressively arrogant attitude displayed by modern pop musicians that music has to be delivered at a level I find unbearable and, I understand, detrimental to the hearing.
The volume at which this music is played, I find both unpleasant and unhealthy.
I find it offensive when it is applied to folk songs.
Sorry and all that - sound pollution is one of mt things.
"have you not noticed thousands flocking to FOLK festivals up and down the country"
No I haven't but I am aware of the many millions who don't.
"You've had several from various posters, including me!"
No I haven't - I don't count "anything that takes place in a folk club", or "anything I care to call folk song" definitions.
Nothing else apart from these
Jim Carroll