The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3659583
Posted By: Teribus
12-Sep-14 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
"I tend to go with Issac Newton on the difference between democracy and freedom:
"Democracy is a lamb and two wolves discussing what they are going to have for dinner.
Freedom is when the lamb takes up a gun and says, "it ain't gonna be me". - Christmas

Wrong again Christmas Issac Newton said nothing of the sort

The precise quote comes from Benjamin Franklin as reads:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

Israel only represents a threat to anyone who would threaten and attack Israel - their track record since the country declared independence in 1948 demonstrates this - Fact clearly substantiated and easily verified - simple matter of record.

An Apartheid State eh? Here is another simple matter of record for you Christmas:

Demographics of Israel:
Population of Israel 1949 to 2008

Almost 21% of Israel's 8.2 million population are Arabs that has grown from only 10% in 1948. Today the make-up of the population consists of:
Jews - 75%
Arabs - 20.7%
Christians & Druze - 4.3%

Demographics of Palestine - West Bank:
Muslim - 80-85%
Christian - 1.0-2.5%
Jewish - 12-14%

Demographics of Palestine - Gaza:
Muslims - 98-99%
Christian - 0.7%

(Wot - No Jews??)

Demographics of Jordan:
Muslim - 92%
Christian - 6%
Others - 2% (Minute communities of Shia Muslims and Druze)

(Wot - No Jews??)

Demographics of Lebanon:
Muslims - 54%
Christian - 40.5%
Druze - 5.5%

(Wot - No Jews??)

Demographics of Syria:
Muslims - 87%
Christians - 10%
Druze - 3%

(Wot - No Jews??)

Demographics of Egypt:
Muslim - 90%
Christian - 10%

(Wot - No Jews??)

Seems to me Christmas that the only State in the region that demonstrates tolerance, equality and respect for all the religions and people of the region is ISRAEL. Which blows rather a large hole in your contention that:

"The fact that both isreal and ISIS are driven by a religion-based mission makes them an inseparable subject which you peole are happy to discuss until your stupidity, bigotry and ignorance lands you in the klarts."

Now I can see the "religion-based mission" clearly in the behaviour of ISIS in any area they rumble into - that message is clear and as plain as a pikestaff - Convert or Die - those being offered the choice only being given brief seconds to comply. Any even remotely similar instances you can give demonstrating that the Israeli's have ever done anything like that? - Don't tax yourself Christmas that was a rhetorical question plainly answered by the demographics of Israel and by the demographic trends over the last 66 years.