The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3660133
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Sep-14 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
" That Carthy is the driving force behind The Imagined Village"
Personally I find 'Imagined Village totally inconsequential to the future of folk songs
It's as likely to disappear in a puff of smaoke as did 'folk Rock'
I'm not a great fan of Carthy's, but I am aware that some of what he did helped promote folk song, on the other hand, 'The Watersons' - great idea at the time -managed to make all folksongs sound the same - which they are not.
As for 'Span' - a total waste of time - narrative songs turned into electric mush.
"You'd prefer it if Paul Weller stuck his finger in his ear perhaps?"
Finger cupped over the ear is one of the world's oldest techniques for singing in tune - you people ave managed to turn it into a term of abuse.
See what mean about patronising - you reduce any hope of a reasonable discussion to abuse?
I have little doubt you like Lady Gaga - I doubt if I'd remember her song had I been there - I find most pop songs instantly forgettable - that is how they are marketed.
"Festivals and virtual are the future - upstairs rooms in pubs belonged to a different century,"
Upsairs rooms brought democracy into folk song - putting performers on a stage in front of an audience removes that demcracy.
It also removes the chance of families not in a position to travel, being part of the music.
Everything you write confirms my point - please keep going
Jim Carroll