The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3660207
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Sep-14 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
"your utter contempt for all the in the folk music organisers"
" all the people who try to keep the creation of folk songs a fresh vibrant option of self expression"
No they don't they make something else of them (those that use them), often as far away as you can get from self-expression.
"atrophied junk"
Now that's what I call contempt
" I wish the people who try to perform stuff like that would take the shit out of their ears."
And that
" A lot of the stuff isn't that good, and they're debollocking themselves fruitlessly trying to breathe life jnto it."
That as well
THanks for the example Al - saves me the trouble of dredging out all the oyhet examples that have become the basis of your arguments here.
"since the advent of Fairport and Steeleye in the late 60's folk/rock has been ever present"
It faded from the scene - the argument given twenty years ago was many young musicians couldn't afford the equipment - nor could the dwindling number of venues cater for the noise.
"isn't that basically the same thing,"
No, it most certainly isn't.
If you have a narrative form as English language folk songs is, and you swamp it in electronic accompaniment, as electric music does, you have changed its function - it ceases to be narrative
"and then come back and tell me again you can't follow the words!"
Have intermittently listened to them down the years - I listened to your two offerings.
If one hadn't been labeled @Blackleg Miner' I wouldn't have recognised it in twenty years - and I've been singing it for forty
The other one I mistook for an Irish song from the Ballad Boom of the sixties; didn't recognise it as one from the title and couldn't follow the words
Acid test enough for me - sorry.
"the Fred Jordans of this world were given polite reverence for their contribution, and then we sat back to listen to Fairport..."
Another piece of contempt - no need to go over the top lads - Al was doing quite well on his own.
And they tell me the folk scene is in good hands - my arseum!!
Jim Carroll