The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3660328
Posted By: The Sandman
15-Sep-14 - 05:05 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
"your utter contempt for all the in the folk music organisers, all the people who try to keep the creation of folk songs a fresh vibrant option of self expression is etched in acid in every phrase of your correspondence."
exactly, plus Mr Carrolls continued insulting remarks to people who disagree with him on any topic, be they KEITH A, The Snail, or me.
"God on our side" is in part a direct response to "The Patriot Game", e.g. "My name it is nothing, my age it means less" responds to "My name is O'Hanlon and I'm just gone sixteen". I'm not familiar with much of Dylan's output (must have led a sheltered life) but I'm sure I've seen references to others of his songs being partly based on previous songs. So new songs, but at least partly inspired by old ones, not merely re-using tune"
another example of this is raglan road, which not only uses the tune of dawning on the day, but is also based on the words of the song.
Richard Mellish, just to get the record straight it was I NOT JIM CA RROLL THAT FIRST SAID IN THIS THREAD THAT NEW SONGS BECOME FOLK SONGS WHEN THEY GET TAKEN UP BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WHO ARE NOT FOLK AFFICIANADOS OR MEMBERS OF THE UK FOLK REVIVAL WHO ASSUME THEY ARE TRADITIONAL. Jim later castigated me for not having anything of value to say and then in later posts adopted a position very similiar to my own.
all i can say to him is keep clear of West Cork, if you ever ever insult me to my face as you have insulted myself and other members of this forum, you will be very very sorry.