The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29031   Message #366051
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
31-Dec-00 - 12:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative Cavalry Enroute!
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative Cavalry Enroute!
Dave and PPM: Thanks for your kind words of affirmation; It's good to know that I'm not the only one in here with similar perceptions and concerns. I think that by now even the casual observer to this thread can pretty well determine where the tactics of "personal destruction", flaming, and insults are coming from, and who their intended targets are. This was fully expected, and is totally consistant with past experience on this and other forums - both on and outside of the internet!

On the other hand, those who choose to excersize a modicum of intellectual discipline, critical analysis, and civil dialouge have had an opportunity to demonstrate our strategy of choice as well. I'm glad to say that I've seen some of this from both sides of the issue.

I have tried to avoid personal "attacks", juvenile name-calling, etc., although I know how to push some buttons, don't I? Surely I have ruffled some feathers here, but my primary objective here isn't, as some conjecture, to spread seeds of discord, hatred and discontent... it is rather(I don't keep secrets very well, do I?) to stimulate folks of whatever opinion or persuasion to THINK! Yeah, OK, myself included. How's it working? Well, it does seem that there are some who would rather "hate" than think, here, for some reason. But ye know what, tender spirits?: They are NOT the NRA; they are NOT George W. BUSH supporters, near as I can tell; and they would probably NOT present themselves as "Conservatives", in OR out of the PC closet!

Evidence? Behold; it is before thee.

Kendall; I have trusted in your wisdom in that you would not, no matter how much I ruffle your political feathers, take any of this personally; I get the sense that my trust was well invested. Although I've only had limited exposure to ye, it has sufficed to engender considerable respect and esteem. I can't help but like an old Salt with such a sense of humor and a fine hand with a 6-sting. If it's any consolation, my Mom was, I'm told, a registered Socialist in her younger days and as long as she had her senses belonged to HCI, ACLU, "Freedom From Religion", and was an active supporter of whatever Democrat happened to be running at the time. Even in advanced stages of clinical dementia, she makes a horrid face at the mere mention of Rush Limbaugh's name.

We still get along just fine!