The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155321   Message #3663286
Posted By: GUEST,Guitarfumbler
24-Sep-14 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: Sessions in Whitby Area September
Subject: RE: Sessions in Whitby Area September
Hi All
Sarah and I had a great week and managed to get to three different and varied sessions on the North East coast. Tuesday at the Back Alex in Saltburn for an excellent Bluegrass session. Whitby Friendship Rowing club on the Thursday. Special thanks to Mick and Angie Haywood for their warm welcome and hospitality afterwards. Also to Jim the Fiddler for pointing us to the Endeavour on the Friday. This pub proved very noisy, so all the performers soon decanted to the Middle Earth just up the road where the landlady kindly opened up her top room for us and a very pleasant session ensued. I hope this will become a regular venue in future and look forward to visiting again.
Thanks again all for the information.