The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3664653
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
30-Sep-14 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
I seem to have amassed a bunch of random CD-Rs in the kitchen from various sources - there's even one by Wigan singer Sid Hague, he of the This is not a rock 'n' roll song but a folk song about rock 'n' roll fame. Folk is replete with idiosyncratic stylists like Sid and Michael though. I've always thought the true Keepers of the Tradition were the most idiosyncratic in their approach - be it Davie Stewart, who's a bit of a hero of mine, and Jim Eldon, who I reckon is the finest exponent of Traditional Folk Song & Ballad the revival has ever had to offer. Peter Bellamy - a more effected talent in my book, but none-the-less an extreme stylist, however so contrived - was likewise eccentric and suitably cranky to the cost of a career spent trying to appeal to an increasingly conservative MOR folk scene. The result? Pure Genius! This phenomenon I call Galootism after Davie Stewart's infamous nick-name; it's the very essence of the thing for me - the irony of idiosyncratic & highly eccentric individual stylists operating in the name of an objective tradition.