The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155666   Message #3664782
Posted By: Vic Smith
30-Sep-14 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: The Song Carriers - Ewan MacColl (1968)
Subject: RE: The Song Carriers - Ewan MacColl (1968)
some interesting comments about what constituted "traditional singers style" and crooning ~ from memory

... and from memory, that was one of my strong objections with Charlie Scamp, brother of Phoebe Smith and a great singer in my book, being used as an illustration of how the tradition was 'declining'*. The point that the tradition was 'changing' was well made - and change is inevitable - but on whose authority was it that these changes were for the worse?

* Without going back to the recording, I cannot be sure that this was the word that was used, but that was the gist of what was being said.