The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3665386
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-Oct-14 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
"I just say that it is stupid to say traditional is the only folk."
And I say it's stupid to claim a pop song is "folk" without a shred of evidence - especially as you are the only one making such a claim
"English traditional songs are the property of a small number of enthusiasts and have nothing to do with the people "
If these songs have been created passed on and kept alive by the people they are 'the people's songs - the fact that the majority of the people don't recognise them as such today is immaterial
The same majority wouldn't be the slightest bit interested in what passes for a folk music in a folk club today; following your logic, nobody has a right to regard them as 'folk songs' as 'the folk' reject them - unless, of course, today's clubs are bursting to the seams with everyday punters!
In fact, they are made up of "a small number of enthusiasts"
The ordinary people have become recipients of their culture rather than participants in it - that has yet to be addressed.
"I wonder whether the people who've been part of a tradition, who grew up with it and learned songs that were passed down through the years in their families and home places, ever cared about labels"
For those who appear to have missed it on the numerous times I have responded to this question - yes, the old singers certainly did differentiate between the different type of songs they sang and heard did in our experience - I asked if anybody would like me to provide details of their doing so AGAIN - still happy to.
Jim Carroll