The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100552   Message #3665744
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Oct-14 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Last pit pony dies
Subject: RE: BS: Last pit pony dies
From: Billy Weeks - PM
Date: 08 Apr 07 - 07:12 AM
I was evacuated from London in the war and spent three years (from 1940) in a South Wales colliery area (most of south Wales was a colliery area then). The miners in both the places I stayed in had no pithead baths and the men came home in their working clothes, black from head to foot, and were bathed by their wives in a tin bath in front of the kitchen range.

The father of my first wife Valerie (1935-2007) was a Forest of Dean miner. She won a mature state scholarship after we were married [why I still live near Cambridge.] She once mentioned to one of her fellow-students that she remembered her father in the tin bath in front of the fire when he came home from the pit. "You've been reading too much Lawrence!" her friend replied scornfully.
