The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6315   Message #36663
Posted By: O'Boyle
01-Sep-98 - 03:41 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Marines' Hymn / Halls of Montezuma
Subject: RE: The Marines' Hymn
I learned a parody to the hymn from Mad magazine. I don't know why Ive remembered this for at least 25 years...

Monday night football hymn

From the Oilers in the astrodome
To the Packers in Greenbay
We bring you football every monday night
With remarks on every play
We have Dandyroo and Gifford, too
But what makes our program sell
If you find your favorite team has lost
You can blame it on Cosell

Oh yeah, while on the subject of the Marine Hymn, a fun thing to do when you are playing a room with Marine's in it, especially drunk marines, is to play the hymn and watch them all stand up at attention. I'll play it on 3 or 4 different instruments throughout the night just to mess with their bald little heads. (I'm not being unpatriotic, I am army).

