The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155749   Message #3667379
Posted By: MGM·Lion
09-Oct-14 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Supreme Court & gay marriage decision
Subject: RE: BS: Supreme Court & gay marriage decision
"you disgusting lying bastard"

The usual o-so-absolutely-convincing response to any of Ake's posts.

That Musket -- he really has an incomparable way with words, innit!


Usual caveat: I am expressing no opinion, pro or anti, as to Ake's points & opinions. Just deplore as ever the priggish self-righteous, know-it-all, minds·made·up·no·facts·please responses his invariably statistically based and supported posts always receive from the OK · PC · right·thinking·lefty · shout·down·the·opposition brigade.