The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25469   Message #366752
Posted By: Rick Fielding
01-Jan-01 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: O Brother, Where Art Thou
Subject: RE: Brother, Where Art Thou
From the trailer, it looks like the version of "Man of Constant Sorrow" come from the Stanley Bros. version.....but, the "call and respose part" ("He's got no friends....." is virtually note for note from the Country gentlemen version.

Damn! This is exactly the kind of film that causes me grief. I desperately want to see it, because it appears to deal with subject matter that fascinates me.....and yet I suspect I'll get so unfairly picky about details that I'll end up hating it. And of course (most of) my friends will love it and tell me it's right up my alley!

Everyone I knew loved "Matewan", but I couldn't deal with hearing a CHROMATIC harmonica sound coming from a MARINE BAND harp, in a campfire sequence!!!!

I Know, I know, I need a shrink! (several, probably)
