The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155795   Message #3669494
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
15-Oct-14 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: guest nights and singaround clubs
Subject: RE: guest nights and singaround clubs
i take your point Shimrod, i have never used a crib sheet. even as a rookie. for me , performance is sacred, its what i do, what i take seriously. even before i knew i took it seriously - i took it that seriously - gave it that much commitment.

however this business of odd buggers turning up at your club. i'm sure i've told you about the guy who came up to the stage, took a ghetto blaster out of a grubby carrier bag, and proceeded to play a cassette of of a Jack Hudson song. then there was the character who had some words on a fag packet sized piece of paper - and he read out the words of Charlie Pride's Crystal Chandelier.

you can either react with compassion, or not.

its the society we've been given. you can either spend your time wishing we all worked down the mines, and ploughed the ocean waves. or you can get on with it.