The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155774   Message #3669976
Posted By: Mrrzy
17-Oct-14 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ebola and the Missionaries
Subject: RE: BS: Ebola and the Missionaries
I wish I completely agreed with you, Joe! I almost completely do, especially when I stopped to consider an exit strategy if they (the armies of all friendly nations, including the nearby African ones) did march in and enforce quarantine and build sewage systems and hospitals with isolation wards and schools and shelters for the orphaned and shunned kids and running water and electrical infrastructure and cell phone towers and all for each and every village, what would happen when the epidemic was over.

Yeah, I know, I know. I don't live on the same planet as everybody else. But I have hopes.

And the above is, indeed, worth a read. Or two.