The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155774   Message #3670081
Posted By: GUEST,mg
17-Oct-14 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ebola and the Missionaries
Subject: RE: BS: Ebola and the Missionaries
Liberia people have 67% cell phone coverage, according to something I just read. I have also read 40 something. More would undoubtedly be helpful. If not to the people themselves, which would be best, then to the medical care, the ambulance drivers, etc. They are using cell phone usage to determine hot spots. We throw away cell phones by the millions in US every year they say. Even without an epidemic, cell phones prove to be extremely useful in transferring funds, hearing agricultural broadcasts. They could of course be used in an epidemic for keeping in touch with quarantined people.

I do have a policy of not responding to abusive people, and you are on my list, but this is such a serious situation that I have made an exception.

I would not assume Africans have nothing. Some have nothing, some are climbing out of poverty. We could help them quite a bit with our used items that are still good. If nothing else, bedding, electronics, tools. I know it detracts from local merchants but the economy in many places is so trashed that I think it would be less of a problem and of course you could go through local merchants.

They have an abundance of sunshine in some areas, which can translate to energy; they have abundant seacoasts, which can translate to tourism and possibly aquaculture. They have an intelligent and hardworking population (many countries of course, not a unicountry). I have made many Kiva loans to people there and they seem to benefit from it.

WHy in the world would any decent person, which I am not convinced you are, want to stop suggestions from flowing? Every person on the planet should be thinking about this.