The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155774   Message #3670650
Posted By: Mrrzy
19-Oct-14 - 10:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ebola and the Missionaries
Subject: RE: BS: Ebola and the Missionaries
Why not do what I've already thought of instead of spending time and energy telling me how it won't work? I've sent the requests to my local newspaper, city council and hospital. Why not do the same? What would it cost us, the Americans, Europeans, and others on this forum? Or, think of something you think would work better. Or might work at all. Maybe this *is* a dumb idea, but it is the only thing I could think of that would directly, instantly and (what is the word for taking only what would otherwise be wasted and nothing being sacrificed since it's only coming from the icing, not the cake) free up medical supplies, which are what are directly and instantly needed.
Personally, I thought it was a clever idea for that exact thing. I still do, but would love to read of a better one. "I don't understand your thinking" isn't a better idea.