The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6242   Message #36727
Posted By: Animaterra
01-Sep-98 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: Playing by ear- advantage or disadvantage?
Subject: RE: Playing by ear-advantageor disadvantage?
I actually thank years of singing in the junior (and senior) choirs of Episcopal churches for my ability to harmonize at the drop of a hat. But not everyone is exposed to music with rich harmony- most of today's kids, for insttance, tho there are some "a cappella" groups who are bringing harmony back. No, Shambles, I haven't yet met a kid who couldn't make some kind of music, some how! I've met plenty grownups with Art Thieme's experience (stand in the back row and mouth the words). I've met two people, both in the past year, who couldn't hold a tune in a group with strong singers on either side. Most people can find their voice, tho', given enough exposure to the good stuff and some confidence! I can read and can learn quickly by ear; I'm glad I have both. I don't teach my kids to depend on it, though.