The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155937   Message #3673141
Posted By: GUEST,Steve on damned iPad but still undeniably St
30-Oct-14 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dwindling BS section
Subject: RE: BS: Dwindling BS section
"Gnu" and his ilk will always be able to issue a blanket diss such as "flies to shit" of those who disagree with his extreme right-wing and illiberal views because he is anonymous. Whether some in-crowd here know who he really is nothing to do with me. Nothing like having to use your real name to make you think twice about posting ill-considered bilge. I occasionally post to the Gaughan forum which permits you to have a soubriquet (I don't bother) but which insists that your real name is available to every subscriber. The manners there are impeccable, the moderation is firm and there would be absolutely no room for the likes of gnu, akenaton, goofus and their like posting under their present guise and in such ill-considered ways. Not even you, Jeri. I didn't even know you were a mod. You don't act like one.