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Thread #155978   Message #3674852
Posted By: Musket
05-Nov-14 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Elections: Tues. Nov. 4th
Subject: RE: BS: Elections: Tues. Nov. 4th
I suppose from our side of the pond, we try to see your two parties as mirroring our own, but the reality is that Democrats are similar to our Conservatives and Republicans are similar to our conservatives if they weren't reined in.

Rightly or wrongly, the republicans are seen as the loony end of the spectrum, which is odd because to be fair, many of my business colleagues have been active members or supporters yet their social and welfare policies towards their employees could put themost ethical UK companies to shame.

Politics of another country are difficult to fathom, hell, our own is bad enough... But the idea of a stalemate and nothing being done over the next two years is rather worrying considering how, like it or not, US interference elsewhere means your government can be as influential as our own in some areas of trade, commerce and foreign policy.

Hence whilst it is nothing to do with us, I can't help having a view. (I do have a right of residency through business investments, but no vote. I suppose I personally can be affected? My problem, but still concerned for y'all.)

Can't hear the rocks banging! Do keep up.